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Monday, 10 September 2007

Staff Trust

BBC employees are used to receiving lots of emails in the course of their day. However, it's not every day they get a message from the Chair of the BBC Trust. In it, the chair,
Sir Micheal Lyons, makes a commitment to staff. Many believe that the main decisions have already been taken and that this represents too little, too late. Consultation with Staff or Unions is not offered, however, it is a step in the right direction. Strange though that the offer comes from the Trust and not BBC management. It is simply unacceptable that at no point during the last few months have staff at the BBC or the Unions who represent staff been asked for their views regarding the way ahead. In a world of facebook and interactivity this approach by BBC managers seems sadly out of touch. It will also amplify the feelings of disquiet and anger if heavily trailed cuts are announced later in the year.

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