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Saturday, 8 December 2007

the pen is mightier than the sword

I'm sure, like me, many people are following the writers strike in America. The website unitedhollywood is a great example of unions using the power of the web to get their arguments across. It is ironic that the method being used most successfully by the strikers is also the medium at the centre of the dispute. Writers want a share of residual rights made via the Internet. The studios are resisting giving a share of the profits. Increasingly the studios are being made to look foolish and mean. It's worth having a look at the site, there are some great things on there and it is really uplifting to see such solidarity and strength on a world-wide scale. It's not getting too much publicity over here - wonder why that is? Media rights in the UK are less controversial at present. However, with the BBC 'grossly underestimating' Internet revenue, and itv promising a ten fold increase in Internet earnings over the next couple of years, this will increasingly become a battle ground; not just between old and new media (sic) but for creators trying to get their share of the money that is floating around out there in the digital universe. A one video says - everyone knows there is no money to be made from the Internet - if you don't believe me go and google it!

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